Prometric DHA HAAD Mock Test - 11

If the maintenance requirement of fluid forB a child is 900 ml/ day, each daily feeding account 120 ml, what is the number of feeding is required to achieve this maintenance:

A 12 year- old patient had a cast removed fromthe left leg after wearing if for eight weeks. The patient wants to resume sports as soon as possible. In order to regain muscle strength lost while wearing cast, the nurse will instruct the patient in performance of:

A 31 years- old woman with diabetes type 1 presents to the clinic with fatigue, blurred vision, and loss of Her breath smells like fruit and she leavesthe room twice during the examination to use the toilet. She has brought a little bottle of water with her that she finishes while at the clinic. She reports that she has had a cold for the past three days, but has not taken additional insulin during the illness 1. Blood pressure 130/70 mmhg 2. Heart rate 90/min 3. Respiratory rate 20/min 4. Body temperature 38.0 C oral - What is the most appropriate nursing diagnosis?

Adult patient suffers from hoarseness of voice, and difficulty in speech may be suffering from an injury of which of the following cranial nerves:

The parent of a child with chronic asthma is hesitant to discipline because the child often doesn’t feel well. The nurse should encourage the parent to:

A patient presented to the office for a physical examination. The patient is found to be healthy and fit but occasionally drinks alcohol and has unprotected sex. What is the BEST nursing diagnosis?

A seven year- old child presented to the emergency room with a fracture of the right arm. What would be the long- term goal for this patient?

The nurse is caring for a woman whose husband beats her regularly. Which is the most important long-term goal for this woman?

In what position should a dyspneic patient be placed?

A nurse is admitting a two year- old child with an umbilical hernia. Which of the following interventions does NOT meet the child’s developmental needs?

A six year- old boy is in the postoperative care unitfollowing a tonsillectomy. The nurse observes that his gag reflex has returned and removes the artificial airway. The patient then begins to cry and tells the nurse that his throat hurts badly. What type of data is the patient providing the nurse?

A first time mother of a three week- old breastfed baby brings the infant to the clinic and complains that her child has been forcefully vomiting after feeding He was born 40 week’s gestation. Weighing 3.6 kilograms. He is constantly hungry and irritable. Examination reveals a swollen abdomen and a palpable mass in the middle upper right quadrant. What is the most likely health problem?

Which assessment finding would the nurse expect in an infant diagnosed with pyloric stenosis?

A patient with cerebrovascular accident, left-sided hemiplegia, and aphasia has nursing diagnosis of risk for aspiration related to swallowing difficulties with a short-term goal that the patient will not aspirate. The patient has undergone insertion of a percutaneous gastric endoscopy and has all nutrition and fluid administered through the tube. The nurse should:

A nurse is evaluating a patient 5 days after a right total hip replacement. Which of the following goals is appropriate for the patient?

A three year- old child was admitted to the postoperative care unit following a heart transplant. The nurse administers cyclosporine by intravenous infusion. Fifteen minutes later the child has difficulty breathing, his skin feels cold and clammy and he appears restless. Which is the most appropriate initial nursing action?

A 40 year-old woman is a gravida2, para 2 and is currently trying to conceive. Her previous pregnancy resulted in the birth of a baby with cleft lip and palate. The patient is anxious and concerned about future pregnancies and the nurse provides genetic counseling and Which food would most effectively prevent recurrence?

A 50 year-old woman presented with poor balance and coordination. She says that she has developed pain on the outer aspect of the thighs and the inner side of the arch of the foot. The nurse wishes to examine the integrity of the affected lumbar spinal nerve root and performs a deep tendon reflex examination. Which reflexes would most likely be diminished?

When administrating an intramuscular injection to an infant, which of the following sites is appropriate for the nurse to use?

A 66 years-old woman is admitted to the hospital with a history of hypertension. She presented with breathing difficulties that worsen with activity and while sleeping. She is generally weak and feels that her heart misses beats and that it sometimes beats loudly. An electrocardiogram shows atrial fibrillation, right ventricular hypertrophy and deviation toward the Which nursing intervention is most appropriate for this patient?

Oral iron supplements are prescribed for a 6 year-old child with iron deficiency anemia. The nurse instructs the mother to administer the iron with which of the following food item to enhance absorption of iron:

9 months old infant was brought to the hospital by his parents because he is crying most of the time. The examination revealed that he is suffering from otitis media. Which of the following instructions you would include in the care plan you suggest to the parents:

A child with pneumonia was prescribed penicillin injection. Before giving the injection to the child the nurse performed skin allergy test which showed that the child has penicillin allergy. Which of the following is the next step the nurse should take:

The following table represents the blood pressure value for a patient in 3 Nsuccessive days. Regarding the information given in the tablet, this patient is considered: __________________________ | First day 120/80 |, | Second day 122/87 |, | Third day 133/88 |

A patient with pneumonia with excessive mucous in the left lung, which of the following is the best position to facilitate drainage of the mucous from the lower left lung:

A patient complains of left eye redness and itching, the doctor told you to put atropine eye drops for the patient to examine his eye. The nurse should instill the eye drops into:

The district nurse visits a 30 year-old woman at home following the delivery of her second child, a full term Following the delivery of her first child, she had developed a breast infection and stopped breastfeeding because of the pain. She asks the nurse how she can best prevent it with this infant. What is the most appropriate response?

In planning home care for an immuno compromised child, the nurse instructs the parents to use cream or emollients to prevent or manage dry and cracked skin. A parent will BEST demonstrate understanding of the rationale for this be stating:

The nurse is teaching a patient about spironolactone (Aldactone). Which of the following instructions should review with the patient?

A 49 year-old man with a diagnosis of alcoholic cirrhosis and ascites is discharged from the hospital with a priority nursing diagnosis of altered nutrition, less than body requirements. Which dietary plan is most appropriate?

A patient who is 4 days postoperatively after a total hip replacement surgery, is obese and has not been able to ambulate since the surgery. The patient is now diaphoretic, has chills, and complains of pain in the thigh. The MOST likely cause is:

Which statement by the patient with hyperlipidemia shows a basic understanding of the disease and its treatment?

Which of the following describe the correct sequence of nursing process:

Female patient with a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation, the physician ordered you to give her digoxin IV, but the patient refused to be injected and told that she feel she is going to vomit, what you should do:

40 years old client complaining from abdominal pain, laboratory result for stool analysis showed that there’s occult blood in the stool. Which of the following procedure would help for diagnosis of this patient:

A 7-year-old client is brought to the E.R. He’s tachypneic and afebrile and has a respiratory rate of 36 breaths/minute and a non productive cough. He recently had a cold. From his history, the client may have which of the following:

Which of the following is a priority goal for the client with COPD:

A 34-year-old woman with a history of asthma is admitted to the emergency department. The nurse notes that the client is dyspneic, with a respiratory rate of 35 breaths/minute, nasal flaring, and use of accessory muscles. Auscultation of the lung fields reveals greatly diminished breath sounds. Based on these findings, what action should the nurse take to initiate care of the client:

Which of the following is the best breathing pattern you should teach a client with COPD:

A nurse instructs a female client to use the pursed-lip method of breathing and the client asks the nurse about the purpose of this type of breathing. The nurse responds, knowing that the primary purpose of pursed-lip breathing is to:

An infant with tetralogy of Fallot is experiencing an attack involving cyanosis and dyspnea. Which position should the infant be placed in:

A client is unresponsive and has been brought to the emergency department. Initial laboratory results reveal: Serum K+  3.6 mmol/L , Glucose   26 mg/dl, Hemoglobin  12. 6 gm/dl, Carbon dioxide  26. 2 mmol/L. The nurse will anticipate:

When a client has a nephrostomy tube, the priority nursing care is to

Which of the following is the most common symptom of myocardial infarction (MI):

A client has surgery for a perforated appendix with localized peritonitis. In which position should the nurse place the client:

Which of the following position should the client with appendicitis assume to relieve pain:

A women breast feed her infant for one or two hours and her infant cries most of the time and she feels pain in her breast, which of the following instructions are appropriate for the nurse to give the mother:

While caring for a child with a ventriculoperitoneal shunt revision, the nurse finds the patient lying with the head and feet flexed back. The nurse should call for help and prepare for a (n):

While assessing a child with pulmonary stenosis, the nurse should give PRIORITY to:

An 80 year-old man presents to the hospital with chronic fatigue, dyspepsia and constipation. On examination he is jaundiced, has red palms, dilated veins around the umbilicus, the abdomen is very distended and he has black, tarry stool on a rectal exam. He is noted to be lethargic and have a flat tone. A paracentesis reveals clear colored fluid with low protein content. What is most likely diagnosis?

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