Mr. Richard Simons
Social worker
67 Epping Rd, Macquarie Park,
NSW 2113.
08 th September 2018
Dear Mr. Richard Simons,
Re: Ms Sonia Callesina, 74 years old.
Ms Sonia Callesina is a lonely woman who developed some psychological problems after
undergoing an abdominal surgery for intestinal obstruction and hernia repair. She will
require your on-going care and counselling to improve her psychological health.
Ms Sonia was sent to the rehabilitation centre after her surgery, as she showed mental
changes. She was reluctant to receive medical and nursing services and was less interactive.
She was obsessive to see her daughter, who is unable to look after her because of illness. In
addition, she suffered extreme depression and mood changes along with the complete loss
of hope.
Upon discharge, she will require your daily visit in order to improve her mental health.
Kindly motivate her to be involved in social activities and to avoid loneliness. It would be
highly appreciated make her interactive with neighbours. She will have visited her
psychologist on 25 September 2018 at Newtown Hospital. She will get benefited from your
counselling and support.
Thank you for agreeing to help Ms Sonia. Her treatment records are attached herewith for
your perusal.
Kindly do not hesitate to contact me for further details about Ms Sonia.
Yours sincerely,
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