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Nurse Aaron is inserting a nasogastric tube to a stroke client. He understands that the best position for the insertion is?

Nurse Monica is handling a female client who had undergone a mastectomy. Which is the best position in which she should place the client?

A nurse is caring for a client with severe burns of the face and head. The nurse will place the client in which position?

Which of the following does not match with the appropriate position?

Nurse Ian is handling a client with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Which of the following position will best help the client in this case?

A client with pleural effusion is scheduled to have a thoracentesis. The nurse on duty will assists the client to which position during the procedure?

Nurse Maria is administering a cleansing enema to a client with severe constipation. She will place the client in which position?

What type of client would benefit the most from an elevated head of the bed position?

Nurse Justin is taking care a client with deep vein thrombosis. Which position should be provided to the client?

Nurse Sandra had just received a postoperative total hip replacement client from the recovery unit. Which is the best position in which she should place the client?

A client has just returned to a nursing unit after a cardiac catheterization performed using the femoral artery. The nurse places the client in which position?A client has just returned to a nursing unit after a cardiac catheterization performed using the femoral artery. The nurse places the client in which position?

A nurse is preparing to care for a client who had undergone an above-knee amputation of the right leg. The nurse plans to allow which position for the client on the first 24 hours?

A client is to be on a bed rest for 24 hours and the affected extremity is to be kept straight during this time. Which of the following procedure would require a client to do the above?

Which is the best position for a client with autonomic dysreflexia?

A nurse is caring for a client who has returned to the recovery unit following a craniotomy. The nurse can safely place the client in which of the position?

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